E.L.V Denim
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E.L.V Denim
E.L.V. is an acronym for East London Vintage; ‘East London’ stands for creativity, and ‘Vintage’ evokes sustainable responsibility.
E.L.V. DENIM takes discarded unwanted denim and reuses and reworks this functional fabric into modern and sophisticated styles. Operating from an ideal of zero waste, every piece of denim used in production has zero impact on the environment and gives a second life to a fabric which otherwise would be destined for landfill.
The entire collection is manufactured in East London, minimizing waste, water and carbon footprint. It only takes 7L of water to create a pair of E.L.V. DENIM jeans, compared to 7000L for your average new pair. E.L.V. DENIM believes that making conscious choices and being entirely transparent with parties in the supply chain is of the utmost importance to give the consumer a sustainable alternative with jeans that are fit and fair.