Diane Goldstein, an intrepid traveler, creates fashion reflecting her joy-filled, mystical personality and openness to the world. Growing up in an artistic Parisian family (where her father was an architect and her mother a sculptor) and with a degree from Central Saint Martins School, Diane formed the AprilMay brand and helmed it for a decade. AprilMay featured her painting-inspired street art, 90s photography, and refined bohemian style, all grounded in her love of tarot. Now, she is taking that inspiration one step further and designing and creating her own line of kimonos, Monoki. She sources her fabrics from a karate school, has them dyed, washed, and then finely embroidered by hand in Los Angeles. Finally, each piece is blessed by a shaman in Big Sur, California, completing the unique and lengthy artisanal process. Monoki symbolizes a merging of Diane's dreams, desires, and spirituality, all with the added touch of mystical spirituality.